A large health system partnered with CTG to navigate a complex IT system migration from a legacy LIS to a modern platform, ensuring uninterrupted patient care and staff training.

“CTG’s support for the legacy system freed up our IT team to focus on staff training for the new Epic Beaker system.”

-Health System Executive


A large health system faced a hurdle transitioning from their legacy LIS to Epic Beaker. Maintaining patient care meant keeping the old system running during the switch. This juggling act of managing two systems and training staff would stretch their IT team thin, so they reached out to CTG for help.


CTG stepped in to ease the burden of the LIS transition by providing expert support for the legacy SoftLab® system, ensuring smooth operations throughout the switch. This freed the hospital's IT team to focus on staff training for Epic Beaker. With our help, the health system achieved a seamless migration and now benefits from a modern, efficient LIS.

Ready to Modernize Your Service Desk?

With CTG and Amazon Connect, you can streamline healthcare communication, empowering agents and enhancing patient experiences through AI-powered efficiency.

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